The purpose of the electrical system in a house is to distribute the power safely to all of the different rooms and appliances.

Let us take a look and provide you with competitive pricing and professional installation. New electrical services, moving services, or just providing new controls for your facility lighting systems, our team will provide you with cost effective, efficient service to fill your needs.

  • nh1-house-elec-boxes.jpg
    place all of the boxes for electrical outlets, lights and switches:
  • nh2-house-fuse-box.jpg
    ran wires from the fuse box to each box and between boxes. Here's what the fuse box looked like once he got done:
  • nh3-house-loose-wires.jpg
    Wires were first run through to the boxes. A lot of drilling is necessary, both down into the crawl space and up into the ceiling, as well as through studs to run wires between boxes:
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    Wires are then pulled through the boxes, clipped and capped:
  • nh5-house-refrig-elec.jpg
    This shot shows the water line for the refrigerator's ice maker as well as the refrigerator's electrical line. Note the use of metal reinforcing plates at all holes (also visible in the shot of the fuse box above):